LAO IP AGENCY (formerly known as LAO TRADEMARK AGENCY) is a legal firm which offers consultancy on a full range of legal services including IP registration, infringement monitoring, file an appeal, file the litigation case, providing IP legal consultancy, and the like. In addition, our specialized practice is in the area of intellectual property which includes trademark, patent, petty patent and industrial designs.
LAO IP AGENCY (formerly known as LAO TRADEMARK AGENCY) was theonly legal firm so honoured to receive the Golden Award 2005 which were made to outstanding companies and businesses in the Lao PDR and were confined to the private sector of the economy. This was the first time such awards have been made in the Lao PDR. The inauguration of these awards also marked the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of the Lao PDR and so had additional significance.
Over 50,000 domestic and international companies and businesses were in the whole country of Lao PDR eligible for these awards. 87 were to be awarded in total, with 21 reserved for firms and companies based in the provinces and 65 for those based in Vientiane Capital and Lao Trademark Agency was presented to be the best corporate excellence in this line industry.
LAO IP AGENCY (formerly known as LAO TRADEMARK AGENCY) has been established for more than ten years. Our company handles all matters with care and delivers the best outcomes possible to our clients with minimal delay. That is why from our modest beginning, Lao Trademark Agency has grown to be one of the leading legal entities and the FIRST qualified Intellectual Property firm in Lao PDR.
As one of our main objectives is to “deliver a complete satisfaction to our clients” we give our clients an open access at all times. We always welcome and value your feedback. Should there be any matters that make our clients dissatisfied with our services, the clients are more than welcome to discuss them anytime with any of us. Or if you prefer, the clients can discuss the concerns directly with the Executive Manager of the company. If you would like to meet with any of our government officials we will arrange it for you.
Should you wish to discuss any matter relating to our services, please do not hesitate to contact any of us in our company.
Our company hopes to be of your assistance in the near future. We look forward to working closely with you and your organization