

golden award winner

Mr. Khamsene Sayavong
Executive Manager

Mr. Khamsene has more than 30 years working experience in Real Estate Transaction, including both professional and personal matter. Over last 25 years Mr. Khamsene has owned, traded and swapped many pieces of land, in which all the procedures, required documents and process of the Transfer of Title and the likes have always been successfully 100 per cent accomplished. Mr. Khamsene holds a number of senior management positions within various organizations throughout the country and has more than 10 years working experience in the IP industry, at both national and international levels. Mr. Khamsene, the Executive Manager, brings significant expertise in corporate reporting, management and strategic matters. Mr. Khamsene also has extensive experience in litigation, dispute settlement, multi-disciplinary consulting services/advice that are most practical and appropriate in the context of the local, regional and international intellectual property law. His Professional Membership includes: Senior Lawyer of Law Institute of Victoria/Australia (2003) and ASEAN Intellectual Property Association, Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (HATSUMEI KYOKAI) and Association For Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) of Japan (1997).

Dr. Paul Sery
Managing Partner

Mr. Sery, born on 05 Mar1947 Lao PDR. Education: Doctorate in International Law and International Financial Institutions of Development (1973) from University of France, Doctorate in Territorial Conflict in Asia (1981), Certificate of Attorney�s Profession (1972), Bachelor of Law-Contemporary History (1972), Diploma of Rural Legislation & Economy (1970) and Diploma of Political Study (1969). Mr. Sery is highly skilled in dispute settlement and litigation at all local, national and international levels, as he has been working closely with the Court and Bar Association for more than 35 years.

Ms. Siri Sayavong
Director of Legal Division

Ms. Sayavong completed her Master of Law degree at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia in 2003, and was admitted to practice as Attorney-At-Law by the Lao Ministry of Justice. She has worked in multi-disciplinary environments across a wide range of businesses both in Laos and overseas. She has worked as a consultant for a various projects including private investment, public funded projects (Prime Minister�s Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Transport & Public Works, etc), Foreign Technical Assistance (TA) projects, ODA such as World Bank, ADB, JICA as well as NGO projects; as Research Analyst for the Australian Trade Commission; as Assistant Manager of Lao Trademark Agency; as an assistant instructor at Vientiane College and as a translator for the Japanese Association for Sending Picture Books to Lao Children. Her professional memberships include: Senior Member of the Law Institute of Victoria (Australia); Associate and General Member of Australasian Institute of Banking & Finance.

Mr. Peter Jorm
Senior Legal Advisor

Mr. Jorm holds the degrees of Bachelor of Laws (University of New South Wales, 1985) and Master of Education (University of Sydney, 1976).  He was admitted as a barrister to the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1986 and as a barrister and solicitor to the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory in 1989.  He has worked as an advocate in administrative law proceedings with various government departments.  He has also had the carriage of appeal proceedings at Federal Court and Full Federal Court levels.  He has had extensive experience in the development of legal policy leading to legislative amendment.

Mr. Terry Hurlock
Intellectual Property Marketing Supervisor

Mr. Hurlock studied Marketing at the University of South Australia (previously South Australia Institute of Technology) 1965-72 to obtain a Diploma in Business Administration specializing in marketing research. He was admitted in 1972 to membership of the Australian Marketing Institute. Mr. Hurlock is currently a Fellow of the A.M.I and has qualified as a Certified Practising Marketer (C.P.M). He has a specialist marketing skill in assisting inventors through the IP legal and commercialization maze with new inventions.

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